Avalanche - final fantasy eight

Final Fantasy 8 is now out in stores in the US.


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online products -

FFVIII for PSX, $49.99 at EBWorld.com

Final Fantasy VIII:Official Strategy Guide, $11.99 (plus shipping/handling) from Amazon.com

Background -

While calm in appearance, the serenity that blankets the world is merely a curtain over the turmoil that threatens to surface...

An unprovoked attack against a neighboring country, an assault by a strike team deep into enemy territory, and a declaration of war against the world plunges a previously peaceful existence into bitterness and chaos.

Thrust into the ensuing madness is a young man named Squall Leonhart, a cadet in the Garden military academy of Balamb. A lone wolf by the standards of others, Squall's relentless drive to become the best leads him into SeeD, an elite mercenary unit. His final test as a graduating cadet of SeeD is to settle the growing hostilities between the neighboring countries of Galbadia and Dollet.

What was already a confusing set of events takes a turn for the worst when Galbadia begins its invasion on the rest of the world. For Squall, the turmoil of the world around him is nothing compared to the turmoil inside of him; his encounter with a free-spirited young woman named Rinoa Heartilly has turned his well-ordered universe upside down. As an intense man who thrives in the regimented discipline of the military academy, Squall finds Rinoa's carefree attitude fascinating.

Yet there is no time to ponder these thoughts, for Galbadia's irrational hostility has been linked to a sorceress named Edea, a powerful magic user. The job of dealing with this new threat has fallen to Squall and the rest of SeeD. Focused on this new task, they can only ponder what the future will hold...

debug mode -

Note: This trick requires a GameShark or Pro Action Replay cartridge.
Enable the following code in the North American version of the game:

D00705E8 010F
800704A8 0001
D00705E8 010F
800704AA 0049

Enable the following code in the Japanese version of the game:

D006F308 000F
8006F1C8 0001
D006F308 000F
8006F1CA 0049
Load any saved game, enter a town, press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 to activate debug mode,
then check out this faq

midi downloads -

41 Midis Zipped!
Battle Theme
The Extreme
Maybe I'm a Lion
Waltz for the Moon

links -

For more information about FFVIII, check out ff8.org.